
Teacher Profile


課程簡介:This course emphasizes the "three-in-one body and mind". Through the basic yoga course, we can experience the basic asanas. Through various exercises in the yoga course, it can help us calm, feel the internal and external space, so as to release the pressure and  get comfortable through clearing the meridian. To develop the habit of regular exercise throughout your life and enrich your diverse leisure life!


課程名稱:民族舞蹈Folk Dancing

課程簡介:Folk dance originates from various emotions such as happiness, anger, sadness, and joy in people's life. Through the content of folk dance courses, you can feel the relationship between emotions and limbs, and then know how to use your body to express emotions and enhance creativity .  Besides,  use your body to understand different cultures and uniqueness, the exploration of social and cultural values are also important in this courses.